On 02/11/11 09:17, Eugene Kirpichov wrote:

I've got two very simple programs that draw a very simple picture using
cairo, doing a couple hundred thousand of cairo calls.
One program is in C++. The other is in Haskell and uses the cairo library

The C++ program completes in a fraction of a second, the Haskell program
takes about 7-8 seconds to run. They produce exactly the same output.

What could be at fault here? Why are the cairo bindings working so slow? (I
suppose there isn't too much cairo-specific stuff here, perhaps it's a
general FFI question?)

I filed a bug report about this some months ago, having noticed similar slowness:

gtk2hs ticket #1228 "cairo performance is very bad"

My conclusion was that it isn't FFI being slow, but some other reason, possibly too much redirection / high level fanciness in the implementation of cairo bindings that the compiler can't see through to optimize aggressively, or possibly some Double / CDouble / realToFrac rubbishness.


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