On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 7:23 AM, Sebastian Fischer <fisc...@nii.ac.jp>wrote:

> 2011/12/26 Eugene Kirpichov <ekirpic...@gmail.com>
>> Whoa. Sebastian, you're my hero — I've been struggling with defining
>> Arrow for ListTransformer for a substantial time without success, and here
>> you got it, dramatically simpler than I thought it could be done (I was
>> using explicit queues).
> This stuff is tricky. I noticed that my Applicative instance did not
> satisfy all required laws. I think I could fix this by changing the
> implementation of pure to
>     pure x = Put x $ pure x
> in analogy to the ZipList instance. At least, QuickCheck does not complain
> anymore (I did not write proofs).
> The original definition of `pure` was inspired by Chris Smith's post on
> the connection of Category/Applicative and Arrow:
> http://cdsmith.wordpress.com/2011/08/13/arrow-category-applicative-part-iia/
> However, even with the fixed Applicative instance, the Arrow instance does
> not satisfy all laws. ListTransformer seems to be a type that has valid
> Category and Applicative instances which do not give rise to a valid Arrow
> instance as outlined by Chris. One of his additional axioms relating
> Category and Applicative does not hold.
> I have extended the (corrected) code with QuickCheck tests:
>     https://gist.github.com/1521467
Thanks, I'll take a look.

>  I wonder if now this datatype of yours is isomorphic to StreamSummary b
>> r -> StreamSummary a r.
> Not sure what you mean here. StreamSummary seems to be the same as
> ListConsumer but I don't see how functions from consumers to consumers are
> list transformers, i.e., functions from lists to lists.
Well. They are isomorphic, if list transformers are represented as
functions from lists. I'm assuming they could be with the other
representation too.

type ListT a b = forall r . ([b] -> r) -> ([a] -> r)

there :: ([a] -> [b]) -> ListT a b
there as2bs bs2r = bs2r . as2bs

back :: ListT a b -> ([a] -> [b])
back f = f id

> Sebastian

Eugene Kirpichov
Principal Engineer, Mirantis Inc. http://www.mirantis.com/
Editor, http://fprog.ru/
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