gather that Linux does now support real locking though. (And file
update notifications, and ACLs, and lots of other things that
Windows has had for far longer.)

Hrmm: "Mandatory File Locking For The Linux Operating System, 15 April
1996" :)

Have a reference for when it was actually implemented?

I tried to look this up, and got this:


Sounds like it's not so "solved" after all. (Or perhaps the author just doesn't know enough about it, it's hard to say...) The Wikipedia page on file locking also points out a list of Unix-related locking problems. (But again, that might just be editor bias.)

I'm just saying it would be nice if Haskell could support
more of what these two OSes have to offer.

Totally agreed!

Good, that was my main point. Now, who's volunteering to implement all this? :-}

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