On 21/01/2012, at 22:47 , mukesh tiwari wrote:

> Hello all 
> I have installed ghc-  and this announcement says that "The 
> release candidate accidentally includes the random, primitive, vector and dph 
> libraries. The final release will not include them". I tried to compile  a 
> program 
> [ntro@localhost src]$ ghc- -c -Odph -fdph-par ParallelMat.hs 
> ghc: unrecognised flags: -fdph-par
> Usage: For basic information, try the `--help' option.
> [ntro@localhost src]$ ghc-7.2.1 -c -Odph -fdph-par ParallelMat.hs  

The -fdph-par flag doesn't exist anymore, but we haven't had a chance to update 
the wiki yet. Use -package dph-lifted-vseg to select the backend. You could 
also look at the cabal file for the dph-examples package to see what flags we 
use when compiling.


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