No, I meant they seem to be mainly for the use case where the reading
thread blocks for more input, and maybe there's a simpler/more
efficient way to quickly check if an event has occurred, that's all.
If there isn't then a MVar it will be.


On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 7:35 PM, Yves Parès <> wrote:
> Why do you think it's a lot? MVar are a teeny tiny and convenient primitive
> of communication, and I don't see why they wouldn't suit your need.
> Sure a throwTo would do the trick... But they're is "do the trick" and "do
> the job", you see?
> Using STM and TVars *would* be kind of overkill.
> 2012/2/8 JP Moresmau <>
>> Hello, I'm wondering what's the best strategy to use in the following
>> scenario:
>> - 2 threads
>>  - One perform some work that will take time, possibly go on forever
>>  - Another waits for user input (like commands from the keyboard)
>> that affects thread 1 (causing it to stop, in the simplest case)
>> I've read a bit on MVar and channels, but they seem to be a lot for
>> cases where the reading thread block for input. In my case, I expect
>> to have "something" that thread 2 updates when an event occur, and
>> thread 1 checks it regularly. So thread 1 should not block, but should
>> check "is there something" and there is, act on it, otherwise continue
>> doing what it was currently doing. I suppose I could just tryTakeMVar
>> on a MVar, but is there something more adapted to my needs?
>> Thanks!
>> --
>> JP Moresmau
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