On 12-02-12 09:18 AM, Yves Parès wrote:
According to the documentation
StablePtrs aims at being opaque on C-side.

The doc multiply warns again and again that StablePtr, as well as whatever Ptr you get from castStablePtrToPtr, are opague (meaningless) to the C side. This is sanctioned by Haskell 2010, and GHC certainly exploits it to the fullest. The following example shows what kind of "pointer" values the C side receives for real (I deliberately do not free anything to show you more possible values):

#include <stdio.h>
void expose(void *p, void *q)
  printf("%p %p\n", p, q);

import Foreign.StablePtr
import Foreign.Ptr
main = do
  printout (0 :: Int)
  printout (let x = not x in x)
  printout ([] :: [Integer])
printout :: a -> IO ()
printout thunk = do
  p <- newStablePtr thunk
  expose p (castStablePtrToPtr p)
  -- I deliberately do not free
foreign import ccall expose :: StablePtr a -> Ptr b -> IO ()

Typically the output is like
0xf 0xf
0x10 0x10
0x11 0x11
Looks more like keys of a lookup table than pointers.

I do not know what good is castStablePtrToPtr for, given that StablePtr is already translated to C side void*, so that no intermediate Ptr step is necessary. Perhaps there is a story from a historical perspective.

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