Arnaud Bailly <> wrote:

> I will be (re)presenting Haskell in a "Batlle Language" event
> Wednesday evening: A fun and interactive contest where various
> programming language champions try to attract as much followers as
> possible in 5 minutes.
> Having successfully experimented the power of live coding in a recent
> Haskell introduction for the Paris Scala User Group, I would like to
> do the same but given the time frame I need a simpler example than the
> music synthesizer program.
> So I would like to tap in the collective wisdom looking for some
> concise, eye-opening, mind-shaking and if possible fun example of what
> one can achieve in Haskell. Things that sprung to my mind are rather
> dull: prime factors, fibonacci numbers.

Well, the first thing that comes to mind is Yesod:  If you trained, you
can very well build a complete blog application with Markdown syntax
support and comment functionality within that time frame.  Of course it
won't be enough to explain every detail, but you can list the key

  * (static!) safety of, well, everything,
  * insanely easy database handling,
  * performance,
  * rapid development,
  * Lucius (a cascading language for cascading stylesheets =)),
  * composability (i.e. widgets),
  * a comprehensive prefab toolbox (login, sitemaps, etc.).

However, five minutes is a very narrow time frame, so better have some
editor macros ready.  Also practice, practice, practice.


nightmare = unsafePerformIO (getWrongWife >>= sex)

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