On 7 June 2012 18:09, Tanja Piechnick <tanja.piechn...@stud.uni-due.de> wrote:
> Thank you for your response.
> If I execute "ghc-pkg list gtk" I receive this output:
>> ghc-pkg list gtk
> /usr/local/Cellar/ghc/7.0.4/lib/ghc-7.0.4/package.conf.d
> /Users/tanjapiechnick/.ghc/i386-darwin-7.0.4/package.conf.d

This means that you in fact _don't_ have the Haskell gtk package
installed (in the sense that GHC knows about it), which is why you
can't use it.

> But "ghc-pkg check" gives me no results

No, this in fact is good: it means that you don't have a problem with
your Haskell libraries.

>  if you have only very recently built gtk etc via mac homebrew, you need to
> build the head version of gtk2hs and family
> Ok, and where can I get these informations?

I'm not too sure about this; Carter can hopefully tell you more about
this (specifically which packages need to be built from HEAD, etc.).
But you're going to want to use the darcs repository at
http://code.haskell.org/gtk2hs/ .

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic

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