Bartosz Milewski wrote:
I'm trying to understand Reactive Banana, but there isn't much documentation to go about.

I haven't written any beginner documentation yet because the API is still in flux. The homepage

and Stackoverflow

are great resources, though. Feel free to drop me a line if you have questions as well.

How is RB positioned vis a vis Elliott (and then there is the earlier Elliot and Hudak, and the later Elliot with the push implementation and type classes).

The semantics from Elliott (double 't', by the way) and reactive-banana are essentially the same, but I have taken the liberty to modernize many function names. You can pretty much directly translate Conal's examples to reactive-banana, except for those involving the switcher combinator.

The approaches to implementation are very different, though. Functional reactive programming is one of the cases where you have to learn the API without understanding its implementation. (But have a look at the Reactive.Banana.Model module, which provides a simplified model implementation.)

Do you have a toy applet that demonstrates the use of Reactive Banana, something like Elliotts Bezier editor, ?

Reactive-banana comes with a lot of examples, mentioned here:

By the way, Conal's Bezier editor doesn't make much use of the switcher combinator, so you can directly translate it into reactive-banana.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


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