I think it's time that string literals got overloaded just like numeric literals. There are several reasons for this. One reason is the new fast string libraries. They are great, but string literals don't work; you need to pack them first. Another reason is the increasing use of Haskell for DSELs. In a DSEL you might want string literals to have a different type than the ordinary String.

I have not implemented anything yet, but I would like to see something along the lines of the following:

class IsString s where
    fromString :: String -> s
instance IsString String where
    fromString = id

The instance declaration is not allowed in Haskell-98, but it can be rewritten as
class IsChar c where  -- Make this class local to it's defining module
    fromChar :: Char -> c
instance IsChar Char where
    fromChar = id
instance (IsChar c) => IsString [c] where
    fromString = map fromChar

And, like with numeric literals, any string literal will then have an implicit fromString insert to make the right conversion.

My guess is that the defaulting mechanism needs to be extended to default to the String type as well, or we'll get some ambiguous expressions.

Any thoughts?

        -- Lennart

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