First International Spring School
         Advanced Functional Programming Techniques
               Bastad, Sweden, May 24-31, 1995

Functional programming languages offer a number of benefits to
programmers.  Using functional languages often results in fast
development times, and shorter code that is easier to adjust, reason
about and reuse.  The last few years have seen new developments in
functional programming techniques.  Concepts such as monads, type
classes, and several new special purpose libraries of higher-order
functions are new and powerful methods for structuring programs.

This spring school focuses on how-to-write-functional-programs.  The
spring school aims to bring computer scientists up-to-date with the
latest advanced functional programming techniques.  It is assumed that
the attendants have some basic knowledge of functional programming,
i.e., on the level of Bird and Wadler's "Introduction to functional
programming".  An ample amount of time will be spent on exercises.  This
will enable the students to familiarise themselves thoroughly with the
material and the techniques.  The number of students will be strictly
limited, in order to allow an intensive interaction between students and
lecturers.  There will be computers available to experiment with the
different techniques.


Among the topics that will be discussed are:

  * the application of monads in among others I/O and interpreters,
  * special purpose libraries for parsing, pretty printing, 
    and graphical user interfaces,
  * applications of type classes and constructor classes,
    algorithms on graphs,
  * the Bird-Meertens calculus,
  * functional programming with algebras.


The main lecturers are:

  John Hughes, G"oteborg,       John Launchbury, OGI,
  Mark Jones, Nottingham,       Phil Wadler, Glasgow,
  Jeroen Fokker, Utrecht,       Lennart Augustsson, G"oteborg,
  Dick Kieburtz, OGI,           Magnus Carlsson and Thomas Hallgren, G"oteborg,
  Erik Meijer, Utrecht.


The spring school will be held in Bastad, a small town between
Copenhagen and G"oteborg on the Swedish west coast.  Participants are
expected to arrive on Tuesday May 23.  The spring school lasts until
Wednesday May 31.


To apply fill in the accompanying form and return it to:

  Johan Jeuring
  - Spring School -
  Department of Computing Science
  Chalmers University of Technology and University of G"oteborg
  S-412 96 G"oteborg

The number of attendants is limited, so it is important to return the
application form as soon as possible.  The DEADLINE for applications is
April 1, 1995.  Further information can be obtained via email from the
email address [EMAIL PROTECTED] or on WWW at the URL


The board and accomodation fee is 4500 SEK.  The participation fee is
1000 SEK for PhD students (a letter of recommendation is required), 3000
SEK for academia, and 5000 SEK for others (a US dollar is worth about 8
SEK).  An invoice with this amount will be sent to all participants
together with a letter of acceptance.  Payment of the invoice is due in
advance, and must be remitted to our postal account by May 10, 1995 at
the very latest.


There is a limited number of scholarships available for people who
cannot obtain funding for their travel and participation fee from their
institution and/or other sources in their country.  A request for full
or partial support should be enclosed with the application.


The local organisers are Johan Jeuring, G"oteborg, and Erik Meijer,


                         REGISTRATION FORM

Return to: Johan Jeuring
           - Spring School -
           Department of Computing Science
           Chalmers  University  of  Technology  and  University  of
           S-412 96 G"oteborg




Mailing address:



Highest university degree obtained       , year       , institution

Institution presently associated with (if other than above mailing address):

Present position and duties:

Current interests in Computer Science:

If the applicant is a PhD student, a separate letter of recommendation
is required.

                      APPLICATION FOR A GRANT

Return to: Johan Jeuring
           - Spring School -
           Department of Computing Science
           Chalmers  University  of  Technology  and  University  of
           S-412 96 G"oteborg

I hereby apply for the following expenses:

Travel expenses SEK:
Living expenses SEK:
Participation fee SEK:

When using the most economical way of travelling, my travel costs amount to:

Other sources will contribute to my expenses for the following amounts:

Travel expenses SEK:
Living expenses SEK:
Participation fee SEK:

I do not receive any further support and I hereby declare that the above
information is correct and to the best of my knowledge.

Date:                 Signature:


The applicant                     is associated with our institution as

We will contribute to the costs arising from the applicant's attendance
at the Spring School to the following amounts:

Travel expenses SEK:
Living expenses SEK:
Participation fee SEK:

Date:                 Signature/Stamp:

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