I think Fergus's efficiency argument may be a red herring.
Here is an excerpt from a compiler I wrote recently:

> data JvlArgs = JvlArgs {optNoLink :: Bool,
>                         optVerbose :: Bool,
>                         jvlClassNames :: [String]}
>                         deriving Show
> jvlArgs :: JvlArgs
> jvlArgs = getJvlArgs (unsafePerformIO getArgs)
>                      JvlArgs {optNoLink = False,
>                               optVerbose = False}
> getJvlArgs :: [String] -> JvlArgs -> JvlArgs
> getJvlArgs ("-c":ss) args = getJvlArgs ss (args {optNoLink = True})
> getJvlArgs ("-v":ss) args = getJvlArgs ss (args {optVerbose = True})
> getJvlArgs (s@('-':_):_) _ = error ("bad option: " ++ s)
> getJvlArgs ss args = args {jvlClassNames = map internalClassName ss}

Note that argv (= unsafePerformIO getArgs) is a constant (as is
jvlArgs), defaults are dealt with systematically, error handling
(not very extensive in this case) is done, and the arguments are
scanned only once (lazily, in fact).


Fergus Henderson wrote:
| Simon L Peyton Jones wrote:
| > 
| > I agree with Sigbjorn about argv, rather strongly, though apparently nobody
| > else does.
| No, I agree Sigbjorn's proposal is probably a good idea, although I don't
| feel strongly either way.  (I was just disagreeing with the reasoning that
| he used to motivate it.)
| >     module CmdLineOpts where
| >     
| >     argv = unsafePerformIO getArgs
| > 
| >     unfoldSize :: Int
| >     unfoldSize = lookupInt "-funfold-size" argv
| > 
| >     useCleverFiniteMap :: Bool
| >     useCleverFiniteMap = lookup "-fclever" argv
| I have a comment, and couple of questions.
| First, this will involve scanning argv once for each possible option;
| I guess option handling is not likely to be a bottleneck, but still...
| this offends some aesthetic sense of mine.
| Second, how do you handle syntax errors in the command line arguments?
| What does lookupInt do if the integer overflows, or if the argument
| is not valid syntax for an integer?  Do you check for misspelt or
| invalid option names?
| > PS. I'm less steamed up about the stdin issue; but I think you missed
| > Sigbjorn's point.  Yes stdin is a constant now, but he'd like stdin *not* to
| > be a constant, so that he could take a value of type IO () that used stdin,
| > and reconnect its stdin to (say) a file.
| Even if stdin remains a constant, you could still do that, because even
| if the handle is a constant, the connection between handle and file can
| still vary, just as the file contents can vary.
| -- 
| Fergus Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   |  "I have always known that the pursuit
| WWW: <http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~fjh>   |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
| PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]         |     -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

Joseph H. Fasel, Ph.D.              email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Technology Modeling and Analysis    phone:  +1 505 667 7158
University of California            fax:    +1 505 667 2960
Los Alamos National Laboratory      postal: TSA-7 MS F609
                                            Los Alamos, NM  87545

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