> All the IO operators seem to be about Chars and claim to be unicode.
> If they are unicode, does that mean they read 2 bytes at a time of the
> input stream?

Unicode support is a figment of the Haskell report's imagination.

Hugs and GHC don't support unicode - nor is there any great rush to do so.
I'm not sure about hbc and nhc.

> 3. CGI startup and HUGS
> Hugs scripts seem to take a very long time to start up.  
> Testing with this:
> > main = putStr "content-type: text/html\n\nhello world\n"
> Hugs scripts have a noticeable response delay.
> The equivalent Perl, C, and GHC executables all respond with negligible
> delay. Is there any way to speed up Hugs scripts other than waiting for a
> new version?

Compile them with GHC :-)

If you're really keen (aka masochistic) you could modify Hugs to dump a 
snapshot of itself and its memory contents after loading a file - the 
way that TeX and emacs do.  Details on how to do this for various
architectures can be found in the TeX and emacs source code.

Alastair Reid              Yale Haskell Project Hacker
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://WWW.CS.Yale.EDU/homes/reid-alastair/

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