[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Greg Michaelson) writes:
> In SML(sorry...), in: <exp1> handle <exp2>
> <exp1> is evaluated and any exception raised within it is handled by an
> appropriate handler in <exp2>. If there isn't one then the exception
> is handled in the enclosing environment for the whole construct. Similarly,
> if an exception is raised in <exp2> then it is handled in the enclosing
> environment. So exception handling follows a stack based regime.
> Instead, how about having <exp2> handle exceptions raised within itself 
> and also allowing mutually recursive handlers?

No need to wire this into the semantics/implementation - it's easy
to implement your "recursive catch" using the plain catch:

  rcatch :: IO a -> (IOError -> IO a) -> IO a
  m `rcatch` h = m `catch` \err -> (h err `catch` h)

but notice that I call plain catch when invoking the handler - so
we won't get into infinite loops.

If infinite loops are what you want :-), then we have "really recursive catch"

  rrcatch :: IO a -> (IOError -> IO a) -> IO a
  m `rrcatch` h = m `catch` \err -> (h err `rrcatch` h)

Yet another variant would be to invoke the handler up to 10 times (say)
before giving up and invoking the outer handler.

>  This might form a very
> nice inter-process communication mechanism, which may be recognised
> by people who have written interrupt driven multi-process systems.

I sort of see how this might work - but I've only _read about_ such systems
- not actually implemented them.  Where could I find out more?


ps I'm getting kinda worried about people talking about using the
   exception handling mechanism to implement various control constructs.
   While our non-deterministic semantics is (I hope) fine for writing
   robust programs, I can't see how to build __predictable__ control
   constructs on top of it and I have no desire to modify the implementation
   and semantics just so that you can do so.

   I also think we need to spend some time playing with the GHC-based 
   implementation before we'll really know how it performs.  Just how big
   a problem will it be if an optimiser transforms a program that would have
   raised an error into a program that enters an infinite loop and triggers
   a timeout?  In some applications, this won't be a problem but it could
   be a real problem in others.

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