>>>>> "Jorgen" == Jorgen Frojk Kjaersgaard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jorgen> It seems that many prominent Haskell people are more or less associated
Jorgen> with Microsoft. It has just been announced that Hugs may go into
Jorgen> Microsoft Developers Studio and Simon Peyton-Jones is about to move to
Jorgen> Microsoft. Is there a risk (or change, if you like) that Microsoft will
Jorgen> eventually take over the Haskell language? In my opinion it is very
Jorgen> important that this doesn't happen. If Haskell is to have a future it
Jorgen> must remain free and not dominated by a single company.

If they find (economic) interest in the language I am sure they will
try to take over control of the language in their typical
way, as they have done or tried to do with numerous technologies (Java
being the most recent), by: 

- 'technical enhancement': that is introducing some features into
  Haskell and omitting/changing some others, while continuing to call
  it Haskell

- 'bundling': connecting this MS-Haskell to some widespread software
  eg IE, making that software refuse to properly execute the majority
  of non-MS-Haskell programs.



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