Hans Aberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  writes on
                                      "Rambling on numbers in Haskell"

>>>  So, why not add a type "Complexify(R)" of a ring R to Haskell?
>>Note that you can't divide in a ring. A type class *roughly* corresponding
>>to a ring is probably Num.

 > Sure you can divide in a ring (in mathematics): Given an associative 
 >  ring  
 >  $R$ with an unit, define the set $R^\x$ (writing \x = \times) of 
 >  elements with (two-sided) inverse. Then those can be divided.
 >  ...

  divide_m        - with  Maybe a  result,  
  divide,  (/)    - with possible error "..." break

make, for example, sense for Integer too, and to my mind, have to be
defined for all rings.
This is like solving of a linear equation. 
Even do not mind that sometimes there are many solutions ...

Only for the Fields (say, Rational) they have better properties
(unique solution).

Sergey Mechveliani

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