
   Is there any Haskell implementation that supports polymorphic recursion
without the need of annotating the types for defined function by the

   For example, when I write in Hugs 1.4:

data Tree a = Leaf a | Node (Tree (a,a))
height (Leaf x) = 1
height (Node x) = 1 + (height x)

then Hugs displays message:

ERROR: Type error in function binding
*** term           : height
*** type           : Tree a -> b
*** does not match : Tree (a,a) -> b
*** because        : unification would give infinite type

   Or, when I type:

proj x1 x2 x3 = x1
f x = proj x (f True) (f 8)

then the indicated error is:

ERROR: Bool is not an instance of class "Num"

 - although both of the examples work after specifying: height :: Tree a -> Int,
f :: a -> a. As I understand, Hugs can only check whether the type given by the
programmer is correct, but it cannot infer the type for polymorphically
recursive function.

Tomasz Lukaszewicz   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
student of computer sciences at Warsaw University

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