
I come up again with a topic I mentioned some years ago. 

I would like to have a comparison instruction that compares the internal
reference of two objects. 
Let's call it "req".

req :: a -> a -> Bool

-- of course it is an equivalence operation
req x x = True 
req x y = req y x 
(req x y) && (req y z) ==> req x z 

req x y = false does NOT imply that x and y are different, only that 
they are represented differently. 

So what? 
req allows saving time when comparing larger objects. 
This allows reduction mechanisms of complex, e.g. Tree-like 
data structures, because equal subtrees can be represented by only one

Usign this operation contradicts partly the idea of functional programming, 
but only with respect to termination. 
However, it can allow tremendous run-time savings. 

Equality on lists: 
Without req 

instance Eq a => Eq [a] where
    []     == []     =  True
    (x:xs) == (y:ys) =  x==y && xs==ys
    _      == _      =  False

With req 
instance Eq a => Eq [a] where
    []     == []     =  True
    xl@(x:xs) == yl@(y:ys) = (req xl yl) || (x==y && xs==ys)
    _      == _      =  False

The expression 

let x=[1..] in x==x 
would not terminate in the first case but succeed in the second. 

I came up when I tried to implement Binary Decision Diagrams in 
Haskell some years ago and I have the impression that I need them 
again soon. It ould be so much nicer with this operation.

                        Andreas C. Doering
                        Medizinische Universitaet zu Luebeck
                        Institut fuer Technische Informatik
                        Ratzeburger Allee 160
                        D-23538 Luebeck Germany

                        Tel.: +49 451 500-3741, Fax: -3687
                        Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                        Home: http://www.iti.mu-luebeck.de/~doering 
                             quiz, papers, VHDL, music

"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of ... science" (Proverbs 1.7)

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