With the following module:

    module Main where

    import Random

    data Foo = Foo StdGen

    main :: IO()
    main = do let rs = randoms (Foo (mkStdGen 39)) :: [Int]
                  rRs =  randomRs (0,9) (Foo (mkStdGen 39)) :: [Int]
              putStrLn $ show $ take 100 rs
              putStrLn $ show $ take 100 rRs

    instance RandomGen Foo where
     genRange _ = (0, 1)
     next (Foo g) = (val `mod` 2, Foo g')
      where (val, g') = random g
     split _ = error "Not implemented"

ghc gives me


The first list doesn't seem to cover the whole spectrum and I was
expecting the second list to be composed over 0s through 9s. Is my
understanding wrong?

nhc complains
    Context for Random.Random needed in left hand pattern at 17:11.
and hugs doesn't seem to know genRange exists. With it commented out it
returns the same as ghc.


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