Andreas Abel wrote:
> Well, sorting is a special case of permuting, so my idea was to use the library
> routine
>    List.sortBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a]
> passing it a comparison function which ignores its arguments and simply returns
> a random bit when invoked, e.g.
>    permute = sortBy $ \_ _ -> if random() then GT else LT
> Unfortunately, this one-line hack is impossible since random numbers rely on
> state and sortBy is not prepared for use with a monad.

Well, even if it were possible to use sortBy with a monad, wouldn't your
hack be a bit dangerous? Here is what the report has to say on sortBy:

"... when the "By" function replaces an Ord context by a binary
predicate, the predicate is assumed to define a total ordering."

Clearly, (\_ _ -> if random() then GT else LT) does not make for a total
ordering. While you might say that this is no problem, since you don't
actually want to *sort*, you might even get nontermination, if the
implementation of sortBy happened to use the property "total ordering"
for ensuring termination (as, e.g., a naive implementation of bubblesort

Regards, Janis.

Janis Voigtlaender
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