Hi folks

Iavor S. Diatchki wrote:
you can use the reader (environment monad) for this.

lately i have been using 2 combinators to do things like that (thanks to Thomas Hallgren for showing me this):

-- a nicer name for fmap (or liftM if one prefers)
(#) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

-- a nicer name for "ap" from Monad.hs
(<#) :: Monad m => m (a -> b) -> m a -> m b

i like those two as then you don't need all the liftM? functions.

As some of you know, I like them a lot too. In fact, if you have a return-like thing and an ap-like thing, you can make fmap as well. (Note that the return for the environment monad is none other than S's best friend K.)

So I got hacking, a little while ago...

  infixl 9 <%>  -- my name for <# -- others have other names
  class Idiom i where
    idi :: x -> i x
    (<%>) :: i (s -> t) -> i s -> i t

I call them idioms because it's like having the apparatus
of applicative programming, just in a different (perhaps impure)

[I only just found out that they show up under the name Sequence
 in the experimental Control.Sequence module. I should have known.
 It's part of the Arrow stuff, and these things are an interesting
 species of Arrow. As far as I know, it was Ross Paterson who
 identified them in the categorical jungle as weakly symmetric lax
 monoidal functors.]

I thought I'd like some `funny brackets' which would just shunt
the typechecker into an idiom and allow me to program fairly
normally. Replacing this

  return f `ap` t1 `ap` ... `ap` tn

with this

  idI f t1 ... tn Idi

Being a crook, I figured out how to implement my idI ... Idi
brackets. Sick hack follows:

  data Idi = Idi

  class Idiom i => Idiomatic i f g | g -> f i where
    idI :: f -> g
    idiomatic :: i f -> g

  instance Idiom i => Idiomatic i x (Idi -> i x) where
    idI x Idi = idi x
    idiomatic ix Idi = ix

  instance Idiomatic i f g => Idiomatic i (s -> f) (i s -> g) where
    idI sf = idiomatic (idi sf)
    idiomatic isf is = idiomatic (isf <%> is)

It's also useful to insert stuff which just has an effect in the
idiom, but whose pure part isn't important. You just shove in

  Ig blah

like this---here rhubarb and custard get executed, but their
values don't get passed to f.

  idI f t1 Ig rhubarb t2 t3 Ig custard Idi

How to make this work?

  data Ig = Ig

  instance Idiomatic i f g => Idiomatic i f (Ig -> i x -> g) where
    idI f = idiomatic (idi f)
    idiomatic f Ig ix = idiomatic (idi const <%> f <%> ix)

Why bother with these idioms? For one thing, it's a more functional
notation for working with monads. But there's more to it than that.
Here's a serious generalization of the Prelude's mapM

  class IFunctor f where
    imap :: Idiom i => (s -> i t) -> f s -> i (f t)

  instance IFunctor [] where
    imap f []       = idI [] Idi
    imap f (x : xs) = idI (:) (f x) (imap f xs) Idi

imap is mapM when f is [] and i is a monad. To my mind, imap is
the real payoff for working with idioms. First-order type constructors
are IFunctors, but ((->) r) isn't (or you could solve the Halting
Problem). imap is more powerful than mapM not only because it
generalizes lists, but because it only needs idioms, not monads.

Here's a non-monadic idiom:

  newtype Monoid a => a :<++ x = Acc {accumulated :: a}

  instance Monoid a => Idiom ((:<++) a) where
    idi _ = Acc mempty
    Acc a <%> Acc b = Acc (mappend a b)

Now  a :<++ t  is a phantom type, indicating that its
a has been accumulated from some t. We can now write the
map-and-flatten pattern once, for all IFunctors and all

  icrush :: (IFunctor f, Monoid a) => (x -> a) -> f x -> a
  icrush ax = accumulated . imap (Acc . ax)

One of my favourite monoids is this:

  newtype Must = Must {must :: Bool}

  instance Monoid Must where
    mempty = Must True
    mappend (Must x) (Must y) = Must (x && y)

Now we can generalize  all  to IFunctors

  all :: IFunctor f => (x -> Bool) -> f x -> Bool
  all p = must . icrush (Must . p)

And that's how you solve the Halting Problem if ((->) r) is
an IFunctor!

[Exercise for masochists: given suitable monoids, find all
 the library functions implementable by  icrush idi,
 modulo newtypes.]

I apologize if I'm becoming tediously repetitive every time a
whiff of this approaches the list, but I find this equipment
really useful. Quite a few people have been using it in
various forms: the parser-combinator experts had these
gadgets long ago, but I don't think they've achieved the
widespread currency they deserve. And every time they come up
as cool gadgets for working _with_monads_, I feel I have to
jump in, because they're all that and loads more.


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