Ben Rudiak-Gould wrote:
I'd advise against using implicit parameters, because (as you've seen) it's hard to reason about when they'll get passed to functions.

And Johannes Waldmann wrote:
> Implicit parameters are *evil*. They seem to simplify programs
> but they make reasoning about them much harder.

Feh. Implicit parameters are often exactly what you want. You just have to make sure to provide type signatures (-Wall -Werror can help here).

In fact it would be useful to allow implicit parameters and other type context at the top level of a module:

  forall m. (Monad m,?getCPUTime :: m Integer) => module MyModule where
    timeFunction :: forall a. m a -> m (Integer,a)
    timeFunction ma = do
      t0 <- ?getCPUTime
      a <- ma
      t1 <- ?getCPUTime
      return (t1 - t0,a)

This is just syntactic sugar that gives this:

  timeFunction :: forall m a. (Monad m,?getCPUTime :: m Integer) =>
     m a -> m (Integer,a)

In a future Haskell Operating System, this is how system functions could be provided to application code. This would make secure sandboxes easy to set up, for instance.

Ashley Yakeley

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