We are happy to open registration to all. If you're interested in checking
out some neat talks or hacking on cool Haskell projects, reserve your spot


We are still looking for speakers for the Dutch HUG Day. Please consider
sharing your latest new project or toy. It doesn't have to be research. It
doesn't even have to be done. Just email Sean Leather (leat...@cs.uu.nl)
with your idea, and we'll talk about it.

Also, the wiki has been updated with a lot more information since that last
announcement. We'll continue to add more. Let us know if you have any

>>= >> >> >> >> >> >> >>=
>>=                   >>=
>>=    DHD >>= UHac   >>=
>>=                   >>=
>>=   April 20 - 22   >>=
>>=                   >>=
>>=         Utrecht   >>=
>>=                   >>=
>>= >> >> >> >> >> >> >>=

Sean Leather and Jurriƫn Stutterheim
Haskell mailing list

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