I am proud to announce the general availability of Matterhorn, a Haskell
text user-interface (TUI) chat client for the MatterMost chat service.
Matterhorn provides a terminal-optimized interface to the rich chat
features of MatterMost[1], an open-source Slack-inspired chat system.

Matterhorn is available in binary release and source form:
 * Source: https://github.com/matterhorn-chat/matterhorn
 * Binary: https://github.com/matterhorn-chat/matterhorn/releases
 * Hackage: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/matterhorn

Matterhorn is currently compatible with MatterMost server version 3.8
and is supported on macOS and Linux. Windows support is possible but
requires terminal emulation support through either Cygwin or the new
Windows Subsystem for Linux.

Development of Matterhorn to date has been funded by Galois, Inc. Its
primary authors are Jonathan Daugherty, Getty Ritter, and Jason Dagit.
Special thanks go to Thomas DuBuisson, Tristan Ravitch, Adam Wick,
Nicholas Skinsacos, Eric Mertens, Chris Fahlbusch, and the many brave
souls who provided feedback and suggestions. This project would not have
been possible without the support of the many fine Haskell libraries we

This work also included the development of mattermost-api, a Haskell
package providing HTTP API bindings to the MatterMost service. The
mattermost-api package can be found on GitHub and Hackage:

 * https://github.com/matterhorn-chat/mattermost-api
 * http://hackage.haskell.org/package/mattermost-api

Additional Resources:
 * Our blog post:
 * Learn more about 3rd party tools for MatterMost:
 * Quick Start:
 * MatterMost: https://about.mattermost.com/


  Jonathan Daugherty
  Software Engineer
  Galois, Inc.
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