Hi!  I had a question about -cifti-roi-average.  I can only make it work with a 
metric ROI file, like this:

-cifti-roi-average ${subj}.MyelinMap_BC.native.dscalar.nii ROI_mm_avg.txt 
-left-roi ROI_23.L.native.func.gii

but not a cifti ROI file, regardless if it is a 1 ROI file or has multiple 
ROIs.  The ROI file was created using: 

-cifti-create-dense-scalar $output -left metric ROI.L.native.func.gii

and the resulting ROI file has multiple "maps" in workbench, just like the 
metric ROI file.  But when I run cifti-roi-average on the cifti ROI file I get 
an error, something like "Error reading column 1, row 1".  Is this the way that 
cifti-roi-average is supposed to behave, only accepting metric ROI files?  

  gaurav patel

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