Hi Tim,

Great, thanks for your fast answer. Generating the dense connectome files works 

However, I’m not quite sure about the content of the dense connectome files. As 
far as I understood it, it is the complete connectivity matrix on a voxel-based 
scale. Is this right? This would be exactly what I need.

My question now would be: Which steps or tools are usually used to extract the 
information stored in the dense connectome files for further post-processing? 
It would be really great if you could just outline the steps roughly and the 
tools I could use to get the network. Is there maybe a Matlab library available 
which is able to read .dconn.nii files?

Thanks again for your help,

From: Timothy Coalson [mailto:tsc...@mst.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2014 7:42 PM
To: Ommen, Jurgen
Cc: hcp-users@humanconnectome.org
Subject: Re: [HCP-Users] Brain Connectivity Matrices

I believe we don't include those in the releases, because dense connectome 
files are very large (~30GB each).  You should be able to generate them by 
running wb_command -cifti-correlate on a subject's rfMRI dtseries file.


On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 5:55 PM, Ommen, Jurgen 
<omme0...@stthomas.edu<mailto:omme0...@stthomas.edu>> wrote:
Hello everyone,

I’m working on graph theoretic analysis of the human’s brain network. After 
studying the documentation of the Q3 release, I’ve only found group average 
dense connectome files so far.

I’d like to know if there are any connectivity matrices available for 
individual subjects with which I could generate the corresponding connectome 
networks. Do you provide this kind of data? Where could I find it?
And if not, do you plan to include it in future releases?

Thanks for your help in advance and my best regards,

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