I don¹t recommend using data with large amounts of spatial smoothing
(downsampling is actually a more forthright acknowledgement of what you
are doing to the data and saves space and computational time).  Also, it¹s
worth thinking if your use case would be better served by using a brain
parcellation. If correctly made, a parcellation achieves the
dimensionality reduction of downsampling in a more neurobiologically
informed way.  If you still need to downsample the grayordiantes space,
you can use an approach like this (example parameters were for creating an
experimental higher resolution 1.6mm grayordinates space for 7T data):

Batch script call:

GitRepo="/media/2TBB/Connectome_Project/Pipelines² #Where you have
installed the HCP Pipelines code
NumberOfVertices=³59000² #set to your desired mesh vertex number
NewMesh=³59² #what you want to call it
NewResolution=³1.6² #your desired voxel resolution
Caret7_Command=³wb_command² #Requires that you have installed connectome

${GitRepo}/CreateNewTemplateSpace.sh ${TemplateFolder} ${NumberOfVertices}
${OriginalMesh} ${NewMesh} ${NewResolution} ${Caret7_Command}
echo "set -- ${TemplateFolder} ${NumberOfVertices} ${OriginalMesh}
${NewMesh} ${NewResolution} ${Caret7_Command} ${SubcorticalLabelTable}"



${FSLDIR}/bin/flirt -interp spline -in ${TemplateFolder}/Avgwmparc.nii.gz
-ref ${TemplateFolder}/Avgwmparc.nii.gz -applyisoxfm ${NewResolution} -out
${FSLDIR}/bin/applywarp --rel --interp=nn -i
${TemplateFolder}/Avgwmparc.nii.gz -r
--premat=$FSLDIR/etc/flirtsch/ident.mat -o
${Caret7_Command} -volume-label-import
${TemplateFolder}/Atlas_ROIs.${NewResolution}.nii.gz -discard-others

${Caret7_Command} -surface-create-sphere ${NumberOfVertices}
${Caret7_Command} -surface-flip-lr
${Caret7_Command} -set-structure
${TemplateFolder}/R.sphere.${NewMesh}k_fs_LR.surf.gii CORTEX_RIGHT
${Caret7_Command} -set-structure
${TemplateFolder}/L.sphere.${NewMesh}k_fs_LR.surf.gii CORTEX_LEFT

for Hemisphere in L R ; do
  ${Caret7_Command} -metric-resample
  ${Caret7_Command} -surface-cut-resample

You can then create the template grayordinates space with wb_command
-cifti-create-dense-scalar <TemplateGrayordinateSpace> -volume
${TemplateFolder}/Atlas_ROIs.${NewResolution}.nii.gz -left-metric
${TemplateFolder}/L.atlasroi.${NewMesh}k_fs_LR.shape.gii -roi-left
${TemplateFolder}/L.atlasroi.${NewMesh}k_fs_LR.shape.gii -right-metric
${TemplateFolder}/R.atlasroi.${NewMesh}k_fs_LR.shape.gii -roi-right

You can use wb_command -cifti-resample from the 2mm standard grayordiantes
space to your new one (it¹s recommended that you use the individual
subject¹s midthickness surfaces as area surfaces or group average vertex
areas when doing the resampling so that you treat each square mm of cortex
the same).  If you are doing a simple resampling (no registration), you
don¹t need to specify any volume transformation.  CUBIC is the recommended
volume resampling method and ADAP_BARY_AREA is the recommended surface
resampling method for continuous data.  If you need to resample
midthickness surfaces to use as area surfaces, you can do that with
wb_command -surface-resample (for surfaces use the BARYCENTRIC resampling
method).  In most cases though, rather than downsampling parcellation is a
better approach.



On 5/5/15, 4:15 PM, "Eric Wong" <ecw...@ucsd.edu> wrote:

>I am interested in looking at the HCP grayordinate space data, but at
>various levels of reduced resolution. My understanding is that various
>levels of in-plane smoothing are available through FSL, but that the
>resulting smoothed data is still on the full grayordinate mesh? Are there
>coarser (decimated) meshes to which one could downsample the data to
>perform lower resolution surface based analyses? I could always apply
>standard mesh decimation methods to the data, but if coarser meshes
>already exist, we may as well use the same ones. Alternatively, if I was
>to generate my own decimated meshes (which I would be happy to share),
>presumably it would make the most sense to decimate the mesh using
>whatever canonical surface geometry was used to define the original gray
>ordinate mesh in the first place. Is this surface geometry available?
>Thank You,
>Eric Wong
>HCP-Users mailing list

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