
I have come across a strange problem with wb_view where an MPRAGE image is
not displayed correctly. No image data is shown on screen, except for one
column of pixels in the LR-IS view. It is not possible to navigate through
the image as the "slice indices/coords" tab gives 0,0,0 values in the P C A
boxes. Other popular viewers (fslview, freeview, mrview), have no problem
viewing the image though.
The functional volumes from the same subject, and converted from DICOM with
the same tools, also have some issues in wb_view. The scaling of the image
seems wrong (e.g. stretched out in the z-direction) and scrolling trough
the images using the "slice indices/coords" box results in some very
strange behavior.

DICOM images were converted by the SPM MATLAB tools and alternatively by
the conversion tool from the mrtrix3 package. Both conversion methods have
the same problems in wb_view, and no problems in other viewers. The DICOM
data is from a Siemens Prisma 3T scanner.

Can't say if this problem is specific to wb_view 1.2.0, as I don't have
access to an older version at the moment.



Below is the nifti-information from wb_command

native endian: true
sizeof_hdr: 348
magic: n+1
datatype: 512
bitpix: 16
dim[0]: 3
dim[1]: 256
dim[2]: 256
dim[3]: 192
pixdim[0]: 1
pixdim[1]: 1
pixdim[2]: 1
pixdim[3]: 1
vox_offset: 352
scl_slope: 1
scl_inter: 0
sform_code: 1
srow_x: 0 0 1 -92.4734
srow_y: -1 0 0 155.054
srow_z: 0 -1 0 172.92
qform_code: 1
quatern_b: -0.5
quatern_c: 0.5
quatern_d: -0.5
qoffset_x: -92.4734
qoffset_y: 155.054
qoffset_z: 172.92
xyzt_units: 10
intent_code: 0
0 extensions

native endian: true
sizeof_hdr: 348
magic: n+1
datatype: 512
bitpix: 16
dim[0]: 4
dim[1]: 100
dim[2]: 100
dim[3]: 63
dim[4]: 226
pixdim[0]: 1
pixdim[1]: 2
pixdim[2]: 2
pixdim[3]: 2
pixdim[4]: nan
vox_offset: 352
scl_slope: 1
scl_inter: 0
sform_code: 1
srow_x: -1.9993 5.02426e-08 -0.0528384 100.782
srow_y: 0.00752309 -1.97962 -0.284661 107.996
srow_z: -0.0523001 -0.284761 1.97893 -18.66
qform_code: 1
quatern_b: -0.0131771
quatern_c: -0.0713659
quatern_d: 0.997363
qoffset_x: 100.782
qoffset_y: 107.996
qoffset_z: -18.66
xyzt_units: 10
intent_code: 0
0 extensions

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