Dear Don, (Simon?)

I see two classes of use for the HCP data sets.
> (1)    The HCP participant results may be used as norms for comparison
> with matched participants from whom we capture measures which may be
> compared.
> (2)    The HCP participant results may be used exclusively.
> I think it is only the latter, (2), for which there is a problem although
> I certainly could be wrong.

I agree, the first doesn't have multiplicity problems (though accuracy with
which you can match subjects & scanner data is another concern).

>  Tom, you used the scenario of a bunch of labs using the data to do one
> test each and stated: “…*I would say that requires a 'science-wide'
> correction applied by the reader of the 250 papers. …” *
> That gets at what I’m asking.
> If I’m the author of one of those papers, I don’t want to be fooled or to
> fool any of my readers with the results from my laboratory by failing to
> correct for all the other comparisons which have been run on the same data.

Yes, but the basic problem you, the individual author, face is what sort of
correction should you apply.  You only studied variable #132; should you do
a correction just for the 20 others in that domain, or all 250?  That's why
I think all you can do is be open, and honestly report the scope of
variables you considered (and if you did, e.g., search over 20 variables in
a domain, correct over those), and report your result.  If the reader
collects your result with 50 other papers they can use the appropriate
level of criticism for that collection, which will be different from a
reader that collects 250 papers measures for consideration.

>  If I do that now, perhaps it’s workable to take account of all the work
> which has appeared to date to do the correction for multiple comparisons.
> But what about a laboratory which runs some other test 5 years from now?
> They must use a more stringent criterion given all the additional results
> which have since been published.
> At some point, it will become impossible to find a reliable result.


> Of course, these notions apply to reviewers and other readers too which
> places a new level of responsibility on them compared with reading papers
> today.
> For editors and reviewers, the problem is particularly acute.
> If the authors of a paper used the correction criterion suggested by their
> isolated analysis but a ‘science-wide’ reading calls for a more stringent
> criterion, do they bounce the paper back or accept it?
> As you point out, Tom, there’s no simple answers to the base question, and
> there are lots of scenarios which would be worth understanding in this
> context.
> I wonder if there are those lurking on the list who would consider
> thinking this through and if they deem it valuable, lay it out formally as
> a letter or a paper for all of us.
> Those who are most directly involved with the HCP likely have thought
> about it already and perhaps have something.

I hope others in the HCP team will chime in, but in our internal
discussions we could never arrive at an conclusive action.  That is, the
decision was made early on that this is an *open* project; hypotheses will
not be recorded and registered, and data kept in a lock-box, only made
available to those who agree to study some particular hypothesis (though
note, some large scale projects are run exactly like that).

Rather, it is left up to authors to honestly report to readers the scope of
the variables considered.  Steve Smith's Mega Trawl
<> openly
acknowledges the consideration of nearly every behavioral and demographic
measure in the HCP.  See also the OHBM COBIDAS report
<>, which implores authors to be
completely transparent in variables and hypotheses considered but not
necessarily highlighted in a publication.


> Best - Don
> *From:* [] *On Behalf Of 
> *Thomas
> Nichols
> *Sent:* Tuesday, September 13, 2016 10:53 AM
> *To:* Krieger, Donald N.
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* Re: [HCP-Users] Same data / Multiple comparisons ?
> Dear Don,
> There are no simple answers to this question.  Firstly, always be totally
> transparent about the set of questions/contrasts you're investigating when
> you write up your results. But, when it comes to decide over what set of
> results to control multiple testing, I don't think you need to naively
> correct for every question in a paper.  For example, if you look at sex
> differences, and then you look at age effects, I won't correct as there is
> a literature on sex differences and a separate one on ageing.  But, if
> there is a natural set of questions that you are implicit or explicitly
> looking at together, then you should correct.  For example if you did a ICA
> dual regression to get (say) 8 spatial maps of the main RSNs, and then test
> for sex differences over those 8 and report all of them,  you probalby
> should do a correction for those 8 comparisons.
> About different labs, if each lab is working independently, they're surely
> going to make slightly different choices about the analysis, and then it
> will be a confidence building result if they all get the same/similar
> results.  But, if you're considering the thought experiment where 250 labs
> each publish one paper on 1 variable in the 250+ behavioral/demographic
> meaures in the HCP data, I would say that requires a 'science-wide'
> correction applied by the reader of the 250 papers.
> You can use Bonferroni, changing a 0.05 threshold to 0.05/8=0.00625, but
> alternatively you can use PALM, which can use a sharper (less conservative)
> correction using "Tippets method" to correct for the 8 tests.
> Hope this helps.
> -Tom
> On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 2:00 PM, Krieger, Donald N. <>
> wrote:
> Dear List,
> When a lab analyzes their own data, they control for the degradation in
> confidence due to multiple comparisons.
> But how does that work when you have many labs analyzing the same data?
> At the one end, several labs could do exactly the same analysis and get
> the same results.
> At the other end, several labs could run entirely different tests, each
> controlling for the comparisons they do, and reporting their results with
> the confidence levels they compute under the assumption that those are the
> only tests.
> But since the total number of tests under these circumstances is the sum
> for all the labs, isn’t that the number of comparisons for which each lab
> must control?
> I hope I’ve expressed this clearly enough.
> I admit to being confused by the question.
> What do you think?
> Best - Don
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> Thomas Nichols, PhD
> Professor, Head of Neuroimaging Statistics
> Department of Statistics & Warwick Manufacturing Group
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Thomas Nichols, PhD
Professor, Head of Neuroimaging Statistics
Department of Statistics & Warwick Manufacturing Group
University of Warwick, Coventry  CV4 7AL, United Kingdom

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Fx,  +44 24 7652 4532

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