I think that Steve didn’t concatenate across runs.



From: Sang-Yun Oh <san...@gmail.com<mailto:san...@gmail.com>>
Date: Saturday, May 13, 2017 at 2:02 PM
To: Matt Glasser <glass...@wustl.edu<mailto:glass...@wustl.edu>>
Subject: Re: [HCP-Users] Replicating "Resting-state fMRI in the Human 
Connectome Project"

Hi Matt,

Does that mean matrix G is subjects  ICA+FIX is concatenated?

Thank you,

On Fri, May 12, 2017, 5:56 PM Glasser, Matthew 
<glass...@wustl.edu<mailto:glass...@wustl.edu>> wrote:
ICA+FIX precedes FSLNets and the appropriate data is distributed by the HCP.



From: "Harms, Michael" <mha...@wustl.edu<mailto:mha...@wustl.edu>>
Date: Saturday, May 13, 2017 at 8:08 AM
To: Sang-Yun Oh <san...@gmail.com<mailto:san...@gmail.com>>, Matt Glasser 

Subject: Re: [HCP-Users] Replicating "Resting-state fMRI in the Human 
Connectome Project"

FSLNets takes subjects x space x time.  If what you want is the group average 
dense connectome (space x space), then a pre-computed version of that is 
available for download at 
db.humanconnectome.org<http://db.humanconnectome.org>.  Note that it is 33 GB.  
If you just want to visualize the dense connectome, you can do that 
interactively through Workbench (wb_view) without needing to download the 
actual data.


Michael Harms, Ph.D.
Conte Center for the Neuroscience of Mental Disorders
Washington University School of Medicine
Department of Psychiatry, Box 8134
660 South Euclid Ave.Tel: 314-747-6173
St. Louis, MO  63110Email: mha...@wustl.edu<mailto:mha...@wustl.edu>

From: Sang-Yun Oh <san...@gmail.com<mailto:san...@gmail.com>>
Date: Friday, May 12, 2017 at 4:44 PM
To: Michael Harms <mha...@wustl.edu<mailto:mha...@wustl.edu>>, "Glasser, 
Matthew" <glass...@wustl.edu<mailto:glass...@wustl.edu>>, 
<hcp-users@humanconnectome.org<mailto:hcp-users@humanconnectome.org>>, Stephen 
Smith <st...@fmrib.ox.ac.uk<mailto:st...@fmrib.ox.ac.uk>>
Subject: Re: [HCP-Users] Replicating "Resting-state fMRI in the Human 
Connectome Project"

Dear Michael,

Please let me know if my understanding is correct.

I am trying to get my hands on the input matrix G (Group time series data) in 
Figure 2

I took Matt's reply to mean that Steve Smith generated G, and Matt's ICA+FIX 
would be downstream from that (i.e. not G).

If that is not correct, are you saying ICA+FIX data is matrix G? (of course 
taking each subject and concatenating them row-wise)

My understanding is FSLNets would take G^T G as input

Thank you,

On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 2:27 PM Harms, Michael 
<mha...@wustl.edu<mailto:mha...@wustl.edu>> wrote:

No, ICA+FIX is data cleanup that is applied to the minimally preprocessed (MPP) 

I suggest you start here
and in particular the file “nets_examples.m”


Michael Harms, Ph.D.
Conte Center for the Neuroscience of Mental Disorders
Washington University School of Medicine
Department of Psychiatry, Box 8134
660 South Euclid Ave.Tel: 314-747-6173<tel:(314)%20747-6173>
St. Louis, MO  63110Email: mha...@wustl.edu<mailto:mha...@wustl.edu>

 on behalf of Sang-Yun Oh <san...@gmail.com<mailto:san...@gmail.com>>
Date: Friday, May 12, 2017 at 4:10 PM
To: "Glasser, Matthew" <glass...@wustl.edu<mailto:glass...@wustl.edu>>, 
<hcp-users@humanconnectome.org<mailto:hcp-users@humanconnectome.org>>, Stephen 
Smith <st...@fmrib.ox.ac.uk<mailto:st...@fmrib.ox.ac.uk>>
Subject: Re: [HCP-Users] Replicating "Resting-state fMRI in the Human 
Connectome Project"

Dear Matt,

Thank you for your quick response.

Would that mean matrix G is derived from minimally preprocessed data?

If so, how can I reconstruct G from minimally preprocessed data?

Thank you,

On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 1:55 PM Glasser, Matthew 
<glass...@wustl.edu<mailto:glass...@wustl.edu>> wrote:
Steve Smith would have generated that matrix.  I would have been after running 
ICA+FIX, which would remove linear trends, 24 movement regressors and ICA noise 
component timeseries.

The matrix would have been made with FSLNets.



 on behalf of Sang-Yun Oh <san...@gmail.com<mailto:san...@gmail.com>>
Date: Saturday, May 13, 2017 at 5:38 AM
To: "hcp-users@humanconnectome.org<mailto:hcp-users@humanconnectome.org>" 
Subject: [HCP-Users] Replicating "Resting-state fMRI in the Human Connectome 

Dear HCP users,

I am new to this area and I would like to do a replication exercise to learn 
more about HCP dataset and neuroscience tools.

What would be the simplest way to get my hands on matrix G (Figure 2) in this 
paper? https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.05.039 I would imagine G is 
after regressing out any motion and white matter signals (is this true?)

I tried to read the supplemental material; however, it was very complex and way 
over my head.

Is there a script available for computing G from HCP released data that a 
newbie like me can use?

I would appreciate any guidance


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