Hi Tim,

I am glad to do the test, and I will let you how it goes :)

Qinqin Li

On 05/15/2017 23:07,Timothy B. Brown<tbbr...@wustl.edu> wrote:

Dear Qinqin Li,

First of all, you are correct that in using the latest version of the NITRC-CE 
for HCP, the 900 subjects release is mounted at /s3/hcp. We just recently got 
the data from the 1200 subjects release fully uploaded to the S3 bucket. I am 
working with the NITRC folks to get the AMI modified to mount the 1200 subjects 
release data.

As for using s3fs yourself to mount the HCP_1200 data, it seems to me that you 
are doing the right thing by putting your access key and secret access key in 
the ~/.passwd-s3fs file. I think that the credentials you have that gave you 
access to the HCP_900 data should also give you access to the HCP_1200 data. I 
will be running a test shortly to verify that that is working as I expect. In 
the meantime, you can also do some helpful testing from your end.

Please try installing the AWS command line interface tool (see 
https://aws.amazon.com/cli). Be sure to follow the configuration instructions 
at http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-chap-welcome.html to run 
the aws configure command. This will get your AWS access key id and AWS secret 
access key into a configuration file for the AWS command line tool similar to 
way you've placed that information into a file for s3fs.

Then try issuing commands like the following:

$ aws s3 ls s3://hcp-openaccess/HCP_900/

$ aws s3 ls s3://hcp-openaccess/HCP_1200/

If both of these work and give you a long list of subject ID entries that look 
something like:

                    PRE 100206/
                    PRE 100307/
                    PRE 100408/

then your credentials are working for both the 900 subjects release and the 
1200 subjects release.

If the HCP_900 listing works, but the HCP_1200 listing does not, then we will 
need to arrange for you to get different credentials.


On 05/15/2017 08:48 AM, Irisqql0922 wrote:

Dear hcp teams,

I sorry to bother you again with same problem.

I used default options and mounted data successfully. But when I checked 
/s3/hcp, I found that data in it has only 900 subjects. Obviously, it's not the 
latest 1200-release data. 

Since I want to analyse the latest version of data, I use s3fs to achieve my 
I use command:
<ACCESS Key ID>:<SECRETE ACCESS KEY> > ~/.passwd-s3fs
chmod 600 ~/.passwd-s3fs
s3fs hcp-openaccess /s3mnt -o passwd_file=~/.passwd-s3fs

It failed everytime. In the syslog file, I found error below:

I got my credential keys from connectome DB, and I quiet sure that I put it 
right in passwd-s3fs.

So I wonder, does my credential keys have access to hcp-openaccess when using 
s3fs to mount data? If the answer is yes, do you have any suggestion for me? 

(note:  At first, I thought the problem may due to the  version of s3fs. So I 
created a new instance based on Amazon Linux AMI, and then download the lastest 
version of s3fs. But still, I failed because 'invalid credentials')

thank you very much!


Qinqin Li

HCP-Users mailing list

Timothy B. Brown
Business & Technology Application Analyst III
Pipeline Developer (Human Connectome Project)

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