This makes more sense! Sorry I missed your mention of fisher-z transform

So I would apply tanh to each element to revert back to regular correlation

Thank you for your help!


On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 5:57 PM Timothy Coalson <> wrote:

> After the fisher-z transform, you can have values greater than 1, see the
> graph on the right:
> This is why the "correct" answer for the diagonal is infinity for the
> "zcorr" file.
> Tim
> On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 7:51 PM, Sang-Yun Oh <> wrote:
>> I am also finding that some off-diagonal elements in this matrix are also
>> greater than 1 indicating this matrix is not a correlation matrix.
>> In [5]: img
>> Out[5]:
>> memmap([[  8.66434002e+00,   1.96847185e-01,   1.66294336e-01, ...,
>>           1.01449557e-01,   7.45474100e-02,   1.15624115e-01],
>>        [  1.96847185e-01,              inf,   3.36383432e-01, ...,
>>          -5.70017472e-03,  -5.49946353e-02,   3.72834280e-02],
>>        [  1.66294336e-01,   3.36383432e-01,              inf, ...,
>>          -4.45242636e-02,  -6.07097335e-02,  -1.51601573e-02],
>>        ...,
>>        [  1.01449557e-01,  -5.70017472e-03,  -4.45242636e-02, ...,
>>                      inf,   1.91883039e+00,   9.20160294e-01],
>>        [  7.45474100e-02,  -5.49946353e-02,  -6.07097335e-02, ...,
>>          * 1.91883111e+00*,   8.31776619e+00,   8.82132888e-01],
>>        [  1.15624115e-01,   3.72833721e-02,  -1.51601573e-02, ...,
>>           9.20160294e-01,   8.82132888e-01,   8.66434002e+00]],
>> dtype=float32)
>> Any insight would be appreciated
>> Thanks,
>> Sang
>> On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 1:13 PM Sang-Yun Oh <> wrote:
>>> Thank you for the response.
>>> I am, too, confused by some being non-zero finite values, and others
>>> being infinities.
>>> Before computing a correlation matrix, if standardized by subtracting
>>> the mean and scaling by variance, all diagonal elements should be exactly 1.
>>> What I am concerned about is how the whole matrix was computed, since a
>>> fundamental characteristic of correlation matrix is not satisfied
>>> Best,
>>> Sang
>>> On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 11:33 AM Timothy Coalson <> wrote:
>>>> Per the name "zcorr", the correlation values have been z-transformed
>>>> (fisher's small z transform).  I am somewhat confused as to why some
>>>> elements in the diagonal are not infinite.  The "true" value of applying
>>>> this transform would be infinite on the entire diagonal, as arctanh(1) is
>>>> infinite.  I am guessing this result was generated in matlab, as wb_command
>>>> actually prevents infinities when using the z transform, putting a cap on
>>>> the correlation (when not using z-transform, it shows correlations of 1 as
>>>> expected).
>>>> Whatever analysis you do with correlation matrices like this should
>>>> ignore the diagonal anyway, since it is correlation to itself.
>>>> Tim
>>>> On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 3:57 AM, Sang-Yun Oh <> wrote:
>>>>> I downloaded group average functional correlation
>>>>> file: HCP_S900_820_rfMRI_MSMAll_groupPCA_d4500ROW_zcorr.dconn.nii
>>>>> Some diagonal elements of the square matrix (91282x91282) are infinite
>>>>> (Please see below).
>>>>> I want to use this matrix in ananalysis; however, I am not sure how to
>>>>> understand or deal with infinite diagonal values.
>>>>> I appreciate any insight
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Sang
>>>>> ======================
>>>>> In [1]: import nibabel
>>>>> In [2]: asdf =
>>>>> nibabel.load('HCP_S900_820_rfMRI_MSMAll_groupPCA_d4500ROW_zcorr.dconn.nii')
>>>>> In [3]: img = asdf.get_data()
>>>>> In [4]: img.shape
>>>>> Out[4]: (1, 1, 1, 1, 91282, 91282)
>>>>> In [5]: S = img[0,0,0,0,:,:]
>>>>> In [6]: S
>>>>> Out[6]:
>>>>> memmap([[  8.66434002e+00,   1.96847185e-01,   1.66294336e-01, ...,
>>>>>           1.01449557e-01,   7.45474100e-02,   1.15624115e-01],
>>>>>        [  1.96847185e-01,              inf,   3.36383432e-01, ...,
>>>>>          -5.70017472e-03,  -5.49946353e-02,   3.72834280e-02],
>>>>>        [  1.66294336e-01,   3.36383432e-01,              inf, ...,
>>>>>          -4.45242636e-02,  -6.07097335e-02,  -1.51601573e-02],
>>>>>        ...,
>>>>>        [  1.01449557e-01,  -5.70017472e-03,  -4.45242636e-02, ...,
>>>>>                      inf,   1.91883039e+00,   9.20160294e-01],
>>>>>        [  7.45474100e-02,  -5.49946353e-02,  -6.07097335e-02, ...,
>>>>>           1.91883111e+00,   8.31776619e+00,   8.82132888e-01],
>>>>>        [  1.15624115e-01,   3.72833721e-02,  -1.51601573e-02, ...,
>>>>>           9.20160294e-01,   8.82132888e-01,   8.66434002e+00]],
>>>>> dtype=float32)
>>>>> In [7]: S.diagonal()
>>>>> Out[7]:
>>>>> memmap([ 8.66434002,         inf,         inf, ...,         inf,
>>>>>         8.31776619,  8.66434002], dtype=float32)
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