Dear experts,

I am very interested in the slice-to-volume registration method for diffusion 
preprocessing pipeline as it was presented in the ISMRM abstract on Developing 
Human connectome project

We have dataset with specific slice-wise distortions which cannot be corrected 
by volume-wise registration techniques.

Our distortions manifest itself as artifact which is described as "venetian 
blind artifact" in DTIprep paper (shown in fig. 5d of ). In the paper the 
artifact is described as originating by motion, but I am in doubt the motion is 
a basis of the artifact in our case since it systematically affects only some 
specific diffusion directions and the slices are not interleavely shifted to 
each other but squeezed/stretched in AP direction. Also, it affects only our 
64-direction DWI, it is not seen in 30-direction DWI.

Do you have any suggestion what the origin of the artifact might be and how to 
correct it? I believe that dHCP pipeline with slice-to-volume registration 
framework could be a way to go. What do you think? Do you have this pipeline 
already publicly available? If not, when is the expected timeline of its 


Antonin Skoch

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