
I am currently trying to set up the HCP Pipeline on my MacBook Pro, but I'm 
having a hard time even if I'm following the instructions here 

First I couldn't find the FSL 5.0.6 and so I've installed the FSL 5.0.10, do 
you know where I can find the correct version?

After I edited the PreFreeSurferPipelineBatch.sh with the correct directories 
for the StudyFolder, Subjlist,  and the  EnvironmentScript, I've tried to 
execute the batch but the message I get in my Terminal is the following:

StudyFolder: /Users/nico/projects/projects/Pipelines_ExampleData

Subjlist: 100307


Run locally:

This script must be SOURCED to correctly setup the environment prior to running 
any of the other HCP scripts contained here


Found        1 T1w Images for subject 100307

Found        1 T2w Images for subject 100307

About to use fsl_sub to queue or run 

The command you have requested cannot be found or is not executable

Do you know what I'm doing wrong?

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,

Nicolò Biagi
PhD Student
School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences
University of Reading

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