On the technical end, cifti dtseries are arranges such that a row is a
timecourse - you will need to select columns rather than rows.  wb_command
-cifti-merge can do this.

On the math side, I don't know the details needed to sync the EV files with
the dtseries (whether the 0s from the EVs match the 0s from the processed
data), but the typical task analysis uses the hemodynamic response function
to estimate the BOLD effect waveform to expect from the stimulus, rather
than simply chopping out the various segments.


On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 2:02 PM, Javier Zapata <jzap...@ucsb.edu> wrote:

> Dear Professors,
> I am pretty new to task fMRI data and I would like to check how to use the
> files in the EVs folder to extract information from the .dtseries.nii file
> for the MOTOR dataset. As an example I chose subject 100307 with the LR
> phase and I was able to build this table from the files in the EVs folder:
> *type start time (s)*
> countdown 0
> cue_rightHand 8.05
> rightHand 11.009
> cue-leftFoot 23.164
> leftFoot 38.291
> So suppose I would like to extract from a .dtseries.nii file (having 284
> rows x 91282 grayordinates) the part of the time series corresponding to
> the Right Hand task listed above. Then:
> Should I pick all the rows covering the time interval [11.009;23.164] ?
> If so, should I pick rows 15 through 33 from the .dtseries.nii file which
> cover the time interval starting from 10.8 (=0.72*15) until 23.76(=0.72*33)
> ?
> Moreover, does the same interpretation hold for obtaining the
> .dtseries.nii rows corresponding to the cues and the fixation blocks?
> Thank you very much,
> Javier Zapata
> ---------------------------------
> PhD Student
> UC Santa Barbara
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