The "Upload Files" button on the Files modal should take you to a page with
a widget that allows you to upload arbitrary files to your BALSA study. It
is assumed that extra files are there to serve as documentation or
additional figures, so currently the uploader accepts files with the
following extensions: zip, txt, rtf, pdf, odt, odp, wpd, doc, docx, ppt,
pptx, jpg, png, fig, m, gif, csv. A file of any type can be uploaded so
long as it is in a directory contained in a zip file. Within that base
directory, such files can be nested into other directories, and that is
where they will appear when the dataset as a whole is downloaded. Any files
uploaded outside of a zip will be assumed to exist at the base directory
for the study. As a final note, files that are not directly used by a scene
will not be downloaded unless the user has selected to download the entire
study or has specifically selected those files for download.


On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 5:08 PM Timothy Coalson <> wrote:

> As I recall, BALSA also allows arbitrary additional files to be uploaded
> to studies.  I'm not sure about the details of how to do this, though
> (there is an "upload files" button in the "files" modal for a study you
> own, but I'm not sure where those files end up).
> Tim
> On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 4:52 PM Caio Seguin <> wrote:
>> Thanks Tim and Matt for the quick reply.
>> Most of the files are NxN connectivity matrices, where N could denote,
>> for instance, ROIs from different parcellation schemes or resting-state
>> functional networks.
>> Ok, so one option is to transform these matrices into cifti files and
>> share them through BALSA. On the one hand, this is a nice solution for it
>> solves the user term uses. On the other, it is a bit of a roundabout way to
>> store these files in the context of my manuscript. The matrices are used to
>> derive graph-theoretic measures about brain organization (rather than for
>> visualization purposes), so researchers interested in that would need to
>> convert the cifti files back to CSV.
>> More generally, do you suggest any methods to share HCP-derived files in
>> an arbitrary format?
>> Thanks in advance for the help.
>> Best,
>> Caio
>> Em sex, 8 de fev de 2019 às 06:19, Timothy Coalson <>
>> escreveu:
>>> If your data is organized as a value per parcel/network, you should be
>>> able to turn it into parcellated cifti files, which can be displayed in
>>> wb_view (and therefore in scenes) as a matrix and/or as colored regions on
>>> the surfaces and in the volume.
>>> See wb_command -cifti-parcellate (to make a template parcellated cifti
>>> file you can use to import data into), -cifti-label-import (to get your
>>> network ROIs into the format -cifti-parcellate wants), and -cifti-convert
>>> (and its -from-text option, to read csv or other text data and output
>>> cifti).
>>> Tim
>>> On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 7:05 AM Caio Seguin <> wrote:
>>>> Dear experts,
>>>> I have used diffusion and resting-state functional MRI data from the
>>>> HCP to derive whole brain connectomes for individual participants. I used
>>>> the connectomes to computed graph-theoretic measures that are part of a
>>>> manuscript I am working on.
>>>> My question concerns the sharing of these connectomes and
>>>> graph-theoretic measures. My current understanding is that sharing this
>>>> data is ok as long as I make sure users abide to the HCP data usage terms.
>>>> What are your suggestions on how to do this?
>>>> I've seen BALSA proposed to this end, since it provides a built-in
>>>> mechanism of user terms, but my files are CSV or .mat files rather than WB
>>>> scenes.
>>>> Thanks in advance for your help.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Caio Seguin
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