Dear Prof.Smith,

I really appreciate your help.
I like to compare the second rs-fmri scan (from two different days) of the same 

1.when i open MSMAII_hp2000_clean.dtseries in WB, I get also a layer "dynconn",
for example: rfMRI_REST1_LR_Atlas_MSMAII_hp2000_clean.dynconn.nii
Are those group average?

2. It is recommended in the HCP Users FAQ: "demean and normalize the individual 
wb_command -cifti-math '(x - mean) / stdev' <output>
I am confused because it is writing demean and normalize. (zscore include 
demean, am I missing something?).

My design is "within", so should I only apply demean? or because it is in a 
different day I should apply zscore?

3. I believe that statistically there are not enough time points in one scan to 
use all grayordinates.
Thus, I will need to chose parcels/ROI.
What is the best parcels/ROI I can use? (I like to focus on the attentional 
network, working memory and DMN)
Is there an easy way to get those ROIs from the tasks?

Thank you

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