Dear experts,

while running the fMRISurface pipeline (using the latest pipeline release)
I encountered an issue where the subcortical-processing script takes a
really long while (now running for more than 6 hours).
this is the command on which it is stuck

    ${CARET7DIR}/wb_command -cifti-resample
${ResultsFolder}/${NameOffMRI}_temp_subject_smooth.dtseries.nii COLUMN
${ResultsFolder}/${NameOffMRI}_temp_template.dlabel.nii COLUMN
ADAP_BARY_AREA CUBIC ${ResultsFolder}/${NameOffMRI}_temp_atlas.dtseries.nii
-volume-predilate 10
    rm -f ${ResultsFolder}/${NameOffMRI}_temp_subject_smooth.dtseries.nii

the wb_command version is 1.3.2
there is no error being raise or anything. its still running, but its
the thing is, when running the older version of the pipeline (but the same
workbench version), there was no problem.
any ideas?

ill report later on if it completes the command eventually....


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