Hi all,

As movement with our sanitation and water units are going extremely well, I
wanted to also suggest we take a few more steps in our proposed ten-lesson
Etoys unit in nutrition/malnutrition.

I know Mohit (CCed) has some nutrition lessons already planned out. Mohit,
can you elaborate for us on what you've been working on?

Anyone with interest in joining this group, reply to me or the group and
we'll take it off the list and get moving! Lots of great things floating
around, especially as Waveplace has the need for ten units in a relatively
short period of time...so we've got all hands on deck building content.

Thanks all.

*Beth Santos*
Outreach Coordinator
Waveplace Foundation

Tel: +1 610 797 3100 x 44
Fax: +1 610 797 3199
Cell: +1 603 661 1273

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