I would recommend this project which has been discussing the XO for HIV/AIDS
health education and journaling programs (the journal gives young patients
an opportunity to express themselves and keep track of their treatment).

Waveplace is working on health information in eToys, though I haven't seen
it online.

Heart rate monitor for XO :


On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 6:34 PM, Michael Mak <makam...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks so much for that Nicholas!
> I'm particularly interested in the clinic examples that you used – are
> there any other clinical uses for the XO other than Frontline?  I have used
> Frontline before and it is quite amazing.  Is there an Electronic Medical
> Records system that can be used for the XO?
> Are there any HIV/AIDS health education/literacy projects out there for
> OLPC as well that I could look upon?
> In addition, are there any add-on diagnostic tools (such as an EKG?) for
> USB to the XO?
> Michael Mak
> BHSc III, Global Health Specialization
> Keewaytinook Okimakanak / K-NET Services
> OLPC Intern
> From: Nicholas Doiron <ndoi...@mapmeld.com>
> Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2011 13:20:18 -0500
> To: Michael Mak <makam...@gmail.com>, <health@lists.laptop.org>
> Subject: Re: [Health] McMaster Global Health and OLPC
> Hi Michael!  Here's my input on these questions:
>    - Why the XO should be purchased (for ex. Education, health, etc)
> The XO laptops were designed for classrooms in demanding parts of the
> world.  They are tough, power-efficient, and readable in direct sunlight.
>  The solid-state drive and lack of vents help it survive drops, dusty
> conditions, and humidity which would cut short the lifespans of most other
> computers.
> Software applications for the XO laptop are free and open source.  If a
> school or clinic later receives technology such as Intel Classmate or
> recycled Windows and Linux computers, the same applications can be run on
> those computers using Sugar on a Stick.
>    - How the XO can be used in a clinical/health care setting (very
>    important!) in a remote/rural environment
> An XO can run Frontline SMS, so it can probably run FrontlineSMS Medic,
> too.
> http://www.olpcnews.com/use_cases/community/frontline_sms_on_olpc_xo.html
>  and http://medic.frontlinesms.com/
> Clinics with proper training and well-designed software can save time and
> become make more accurate reports to public health offices with computers
> replacing paperwork.  Are there programs for the XO which would let workers
> collect information quickly and easily?  What information do the public
> health offices expect of clinics?
> An XO 1.5 can do video chat.  Does the location have a suitable internet
> connection?
> Once enough clinics have XOs, you could use their health information
> network to measure more significant health trends / biosurveillance, which
> has proven useful in India and Sri Lanka.  In your report, compare prices of
> full-keyboard mobile phones and data plans to an internet-connected XO.  An
> SMS can store only basic
>    - Support for the XO laptop and training (training for the students
>    which I can help with) and technical support
> Support and training are common problems.  Most primary schools in the US
> and Canada would balk at the cost of Linux support -- now you are asking for
> support of a niche version of Linux in remote locations.  ilovemyxo sells
> parts, repair centers exist in some parts of the world, and questions to
> h...@laptop.org are answered by volunteers.
> Regards,
> Nick Doiron
> On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 8:27 AM, Michael Mak <makam...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> My name is Michael Mak and I am a third year BHSc student, Global Health
>> Specialization at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada.
>> There is a growing interest from McMaster BHSc, Global Health
>> Specialization in purchasing XO laptops to use and distribute for different
>> NGOs that student join from the specialization.  With more attention driven
>> to OLPC after my trip to Canada's North and another student's Masters thesis
>> on OLPC in Ghana, my facilitator would like me to write a proposal to my
>> assistant dean to spend the necessary $25 000 to purchase 100 laptops for
>> next year's cohort.  Because that is quite a sum, I would love any help I
>> can get in providing a convincing argument on the importance of getting the
>> XOs in global health and development.  The health component and how the XO
>> can be used for health practices (such as education, or even for diagnostic
>> and/or electronic medical records) is an extremely vital one, especially
>> since we are a health science discipline.
>> Here are some points that I will need help and more information on:
>>    - Why the XO should be purchased (for ex. Education, health, etc)
>>    - How the XO can be used in a clinical/health care setting (very
>>    important!) in a remote/rural environment
>>    - Support for the XO laptop and training (training for the students
>>    which I can help with) and technical support
>>    - Hopefully a long-term partnership with OLPC
>> Thanks so much everyone, I look forward to hearing your responses on the
>> matter.
>> Michael Mak
>> BHSc III, Global Health Specialization
>> Keewaytinook Okimakanak / K-NET Services
>> OLPC Intern
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