The LALR(1) algorithm that Bison uses, was developed in this vein; Bison probably ought to also have LR(1) these days, which may expand the parser size several times, but would not matter on todays computers.

About LR(1), I recently found out menhir
<>, which
implements LR(1) using Pager's method: even today, the direct generation
of a full-blown LR(1) parser is too expensive.  Anyway, you would need
to merge as many LR(1) states as possible if you do not want a dramatic
performance drop in GLR parsing ... My feeling is that LALR(1) is a
sensible choice.

Menhir has many interesting features, and its algorithm, even if it
is more expensive than De Remer's, offers the significant advantage
to be able to explain nicely conflicts.  It would be nice for Bison
to also implement this algorithm.  It might also be sensible for
Bison to generate non-compressed parser tables.

The only problem is finding someone willing to do it :)


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