> Le 6 oct. 2014 à 19:37, John Levine <jo...@iecc.com> a écrit :
> In article <1412583978.11745.yahoomailba...@web126104.mail.ne1.yahoo.com> you 
> write:
>> Hi, I'm going through the bison code, and I'm curious as to the name of the 
>> source code file LR0.c .
>> Seems like this file creates the states.  After they are created, the first 
>> state is at state 0.
> You might want to read up on LR parsing. LR(0) langauges are the ones
> that can be parsed with no lookahead, i.e. zero tokens.  Ordinary
> bison parsers are LR(1) which, to greatly oversimplify, does LR(0)

FWIW, you meant LALR(1) here, not LR(1).

> parsing where it can, and looks one token ahead where it can't.
> The Wikipedia article is a reasonable place to start, and the topic is
> covered in all modern compiler textbooks.

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