Hi Michael.

There's a boost lib for what you want to do that's probably easier.


On Monday, August 17, 2015, Michael Treibton <mtreib...@googlemail.com>

> Hello all,
> I have an existing application which uses a lot of YACC for its
> configuration file.  In trying to stream-line a lot of options, and
> for wider changes surrounding the application itself, I'm looking at
> trying to define something in YACC which would allow to the inclusion
> of getopt style strings.
> Is this possible?
> By getopt, I mean BSD-style getopt where there's only a single-letter
> option.  Hence, in terms of what this might look like in the
> configuration file itself, I was thinking:
>         some_command -ab -c option some_other_option
> Where you can see "-ab" in this case are just options, with "-c"
> taking an "option", and then "some_other_option" being separate.
> Is this even possible, I wonder?
> TIA!
> Michael
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