<Here, at the University of Chile, we are interested in developing some 
<rutines for various engineering problems. I understand that GLPK (linear
<programming rutine) comes with an API for C, C++ written language programs
<¿exclusively? Does this GLPK run (or complie) under pure LINUX? Is it < 
<to implement in Java written programs?

Sorry, the link was not working for this.

This is the one you should be downloading.

python-glpk-0.4-2mdk.src.rpm has this glpk.i.

* In src rpm, there is glpk.i which you can use to create java bindings for * 
glpk. Hence, you can write program in java. Or you can use python-glpk and * 
use jython for java application, if you don't want to create java-glpk

* http://www.jython.org/


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