How about

n (1 - sum(x)) >= sum(y)


Am 24.11.16, 23:43, mohammed alrudaini <> schrieb:

Dear all,


I am a newbie in GLPK Modeling, and I got I solver statements like this:


1-      s.t. a{i in 1..n}: Sum{j in 1..n} x[i,j] <=1; #0 or 1

2-      s.t. b{i in 1..n}: Sum{j in 1..n} y[i,j] <=n;#0 to n


these works fine, but I want to add a third stament restricting the sum of y[i,j] to be zero only if the sum of x[i,j] is one

something like that

1-      s.t. c{i in 1..n}: if Sum{j in 1..n} x[i,j] ==1 then Sum{j in 1..n} y[i,j] ==0 ;#sum y[] is 0 if sum x[] is one

can anyone helps me here?


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