On 01/09/2017 01:26 PM, Andrew Makhorin wrote:
> Please see an updated version of glpk here:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/noumenon/files/tmp/
> (Note that this is *not* an official release.)
> The following main changes were made:
> 1. The option was added to build a stdcall DLL with MSVC10 (for MS 
>    Windows version).
> 2. The option was added to build a re-entrant version of the package.
> A re-entrant version of the package allows running multiple
> *independent* instances of glpk in different threads of a multi-threaded
> application.
> A re-entrant version of the package can be built, for example, with the 
> following commands:
>       ./configure ...
>       make CFLAGS="-DTLS=__thread" ...

We really should always enable multithreading.

1) Enabling thread local storage makes no difference to single threaded
applications. So there is no reason to disable it.

2) A user has no chance to know if his DLL was compiled for
multithreading or not until his program fails. And he will not
understand why.

3) As David already pointed out distributions will not create multiple
versions of the library so their users simply will be lost.

4) There even isn't any documentation provided about this hidden switch.

Best regards

Heinrich Schuchardt

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