
I have to formulate a problem in mathprog where a variable can be both
integer type and continuous type based on index.

Let me give an example to further illustrate this.

I have two sets of items:
set itemInteger;
set itemContinuous;

I need to define a variable, awardQuantity, on these sets so that for items
in the set itemInteger, it is of type Integer and for items in set
itemContinuous, it is of type continuous.

I know I can define two different variables:

var awardQuantityInt[i in itemInteger], integer;
var awardQuantityCont[i in itemContinuous];

But that is not what I am looking for.
I want a single variable handling both types.

I would really appreciate it if I can get some help on it. I have been
trying to find an answer to this for a few days now.


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