On 3 Feb 2005, at 08:33, Sébastien Pierre wrote:

Hi Richard, Adam,

First, thanks a lot for your answers !

Le 2 févr. 05, à 22:19, Adam Fedor a écrit :

I am currently in big trouble trying to find the cause of a "double free" which occurs when releasing an autorelease pool. Has anybody any idea to know how to identify where an autoreleased objects was freed (released, I guess) before being autoreleases ?

[NSObject+enableDoubleReleaseCheck:] might well help you.

This helped me to see that there is actually a double release check, but I would like the debugger to break on the raising of the "NSGenericException". On OSX, there is the "NSHangOnUncaughtException = YES;" provided by NSDebug, but it does not seem to be on GNUstep :/

Is there any workaround ?

I generally run under gdb and set a breakpoint in raise:format: but if you have other exceptions being raised, it's better to set the breakpoint at the line in -autorelease where the exception is raised.
Do that by starting under gdb, then doing a 'list autorelease' to look at the autorelease source code, then set a breakpoint at the appropriate line. Of course, if you have gnustep built without debug or you don't have the source installed, this would be a problem...
In which case, you can use NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler(), which is documented in the macros part of the 'Functions' section of the base library documentation.

I think you could also try setting the env var


I did not manage to find documentation on this, and it does not seem to have any effect. What is this used for ?

The environment variable is documented at the top level (introductory) page of the base library documentation in the section on environment variables.
The global variable (set from the environment variable) is documented in the 'Types and Constants' documentation of the base library.

Basically, it allows deallocated objects to persist and call a standard function when you try to use them ... so you can track them down more easily under debug.

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