On 12 Aug 2006, at 07:22, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:


I am running GNUstep on OpenBSD. I changed the .xsession to start GWorkspace
automatically after login:
 . /usr/GNUstep/System/Library/Makefiles/GNUstep.sh
export PATH=/sbin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/GNUstep/System/Library/Libraries
exec openapp GWorkspace

I can open a terminal with Alt+t, other shortcuts seem to work as well, but
when I try to enter commands into the xterm window, the system is only
beeping, and nothing more. Furthermore the xterm window has no window title bar, therefore I am unable to move it around the desktop as I cannot pick it in the title bar. Pressing Alt and clicking somewhere in the window doesn't
work either.

I have
NSGlobalDomain GSX11HandlesWindowDecorations NO
I tried to set this to YES, but then every window lacks the title bar, not
only the terminal windows.

That sounds like a window manager problem ... if an xterm is not getting keyboard events or a title bar then most likely no window manager is running. Perhpas when you changed the startup files to launch GWorkspace yoiu accidentally removed/disabled your window manager startup?

this is the same when I login locally or when I do a
X -query bsdhost

when I ssh -X into the OpenBSD box, and then start
openapp GWorkspace
and then open a terminal window, it has a window title bar (from my kde theme
which I run locally) and I can enter commands into the xterm window.
unfortunately the GWorkspace interferes with the locally running KDE, windows
pop up, sometimes kde grabs shortcuts which are meant for gworkspace.

I guess the kde window manager doesn't work well with gnustep apps ... you could try using windowmaker instead.

another thing I recognized:
when I started GWorkspace from ssh connection, and open a xterm window and
issue a defaults read I get the following messge:

$ defaults read
defaults: can't load library 'libgnustep-base.so.1.12'

the defaults command works well, after I sourced the GNUstep.sh file, but not
later after starting openapp GWorkspace and opening a terminal window.

is there anything I can do about that?

I don't know bsd, but in gnu/linux you put the gnustep library directories in /etc/ld.so.conf and run ldconfig so that the system knows about them ... otherwise you need to make sure that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable is properly set up to list them in any shell you start. Sourcing GNUstep.sh does that for you (in the current shell).

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