On 16 Dec 2008, at 23:33, Wesley Moore wrote:

In a few places on the GNUstep site (see below) it is mentioned that
the Base library includes classes for "random number generators". I
can't seem to find this particular functionality though, can anyone
point me in the right direction? I am aware of rand(3) but figured if
there is stuff in the library then I'd use that.

Some of the links with reference to random number generators. It seems
to be the mostly the same chunk of text in each case though:

There is currently no random number generator in base ... while the trend has been to add things over the years, for MacOS-X compatibility as they added things etc, there have also been a few little-used features removed. I guess there are still some old references around. I removed the one you found on the gnustep wiki. Do you know of any others actually on the gnustep website?

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